It’s incredible how quickly children grow up. Before you know it, they’re losing their first baby tooth! The first tooth is usually lost between the ages of six and seven. For some children, this can create stress and anxiety. Dr. Suzanne Haeri, located in Los Angeles, CA, doesn’t want this to be the case. It’s why we’ve created this small guide for losing your baby teeth. Losing the first tooth is an experience your child will remember forever. Make sure it’s a happy memory!
Every parent knows that their child is unique. That’s why there’s no way to know for sure when the first baby tooth will become loose. Don’t worry if it happens earlier or later than normal. The best indicator is the age their teeth first came in. The earlier a tooth erupted, the earlier the age they fall out. Same with teeth that came in later. It’s simple!
The first baby tooth emerges around the age of six months old. After that, three to four follow every few months. All teeth are in place by the age of two. Here is the order that the baby teeth erupt: bottom middle teeth, top two middle teeth, first molars, and then second molars. They are then lost in this order, more or less. Your child will have lost and gained all their adult teeth by the time they reach thirteen.
Make sure your child isn’t scared by the odd sensation of a loose tooth. A baby tooth gets ready to fall out by disconnecting its nerve endings. The tooth becomes loose and wiggly. The gums around it will become inflamed and swollen. A cold compress eliminates any pain. If there is a pain when eating, supplement the diet with healthier, softer foods.
Suzanne Haeri DDS is a family-friendly dentist. She treats patients of all ages. Visit our office in Los Angeles, CA. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Suzanne Haeri, call 310-657-2200 or visit her website at
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