Suzanne Haeri DDS

Thursday, August 18, 2022

5 Steps to Take in a Dental Emergency in West Los Angeles, CA

A dental emergency can be very painful and very serious. Oftentimes, a dental emergency is due to a chipped tooth, a broken crown, a toothache, or even an abscess. But whatever your dental emergency, Dr. Suzanne Haeri in West Los Angeles can help!

Here are five steps to take in a dental emergency in West Los Angeles, CA.

Step One: Rinse out your mouth.

Use alcohol-free mouthwash to rinse out your mouth. An alcohol-free product will be gentler on your teeth and gums. If alcohol-free mouthwash is unavailable, use warm saltwater. Rinsing out your mouth will disinfect it.

Step Two: Manage the pain.

Take over-the-counter pain medication such as Advil or Tylenol as directed. This will ease the pain, help with swelling, and prevent fever in case you have an infection.

Step Three: Alternate between applying heat and cold compresses.

Use a hot compress for a few minutes against the sore area, and then repeat with a cold compress to relieve the pressure in your mouth. This will help, especially if your mouth is throbbing.

Step Four: Apply pressure.

Use a clean gauze or tissue to put pressure on the affected area in your mouth. This will help reduce the pain you are experiencing.

Step Five: Call Dr. Haeri.

Dr. Haeri of West Los Angeles, CA can help you with your dental emergency. So, don’t wait.

For more information about what to do in a dental emergency in West Los Angeles, CA, contact Dr. Haeri at (310) 657-2200, or (310) 854-0600. Dr. Haeri can also be reached via email at

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