Though some fruits such as apples contain sugar, we need these healthy foods to survive. Added sugars, however, provide no nutritional value to teeth. Limiting sugar can do wonders for your overall and oral health. This is because sugar plays a harmful role in tooth decay, developing diabetes, and increasing a person’s chance of developing heart disease. Dr. Suzanne Haeri, DDS encourages patients to reduce their sugar intake to save their teeth.
Whenever we eat, the bacteria naturally found inside the mouth works hard to break down food. However, when sugars are in the mouth, they use plaque as a source of energy to thrive. This makes it harder to wash away with saliva and may cause you to spend more time in front of the sink, brushing and flossing. Sugar is the leading cause of cavities in adults and children. To protect your smile, consume nutritious foods, rather than cookies, cakes, and sticky foods.
If you have questions or concerns regarding dental health, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Suzanne Haeri, DDS herself in our Los Angeles, CA office, call 310-657-2200.
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